Block of the Month

October Block of the Month

Hi fellow quilters,

Welcome to our October Block of the Month!  We’d love to have you join our Facebook group,  2018 BOM  and post your BOM photos to share with the rest of the group.

October signals the start of hunting season in many parts of the USA.  Our Grandpa Rose was an avid hunter; he hunted deer and elk in the mountains, and he hunted geese and ducks near the rivers or lakes that were fairly close to their home in Northwest Montana.  Grandpa really enjoyed spending time outdoors, where it was quiet and he could enjoy the natural beauty of Montana.  Mom made a great counted cross-stitch sampler for his Christmas gift one year, and I still remember the poem that it featured:

The poor duck hunter, in his blind, is chilled in front, and wet behind .

It’s seven hours since he’s fed, and twenty since he’s been to bed.

It’s cost him near a hundred bucks, to hide here from the silly ducks.

Which presently, ‘ere day dawns dim, will rise and hide themselves from him .

– Author unknown

This month’s block is a fabulous foundation paper pieced Hunter’s Star block!

October 2018 BOM Hunter's Star by Ms P Designs USA

I used a warm tan floral print that features wine-colored flowers and green vines, along with a creamy white print with swirly vines and leaves.  Wouldn’t this make a pretty quilt?  

The pattern is available to purchase in Ms P’s Pattern Shop!


Here’s the miniature quilt that I made using the “Hunter’s Star” block:

Hunter's Star Miniature Quilt Pattern by Ms P Designs USA

I framed the block with a very narrow creamy white border, then added another narrow border in a wine-colored print.  The wide outer border is pieced with triangles in tan, cream, and green.  I quilted by outlining the white pieces, and added binding to match the wine-colored border.  Isn’t it pretty!

Here’s another color-way for the Hunter’s Star block and miniature quilt:

Hunter's Star Miniature Quilt Pattern in Blues by Ms P Designs USA

This little quilt features two shades of teal, with a creamy white background and deep red accents.  Wouldn’t this be great for summer decorating?

The pattern is available for purchase from Ms P’s Pattern Shop!

Thank you for stopping by for a  visit today!  I hope that you’ll enjoy making your Hunter’s Star foundation pieced block.  If you’d like to share a picture or see the pictures of projects from other quilters, please join our Facebook group,  2018 BOM  and post your quilt photo.We love to read your comments!  Have you tried out any of the BOM patterns yet?  Your feedback would be appreciated.

Until next month- Happy quilting,



7 thoughts on “October Block of the Month

  1. Always have meant to make that quilt, Hunter’s Star. So far, I haven’t! Maybe I will try it soon with this pattern. I like the border you put around it, because it sort of looks like a hunter’s blind! Thank you so much!


  2. Hi Sharon! The Hunter’s Star is just one of my absolute favorite blocks, and I’ve been meaning to make a HS quilt. My dad was a huge hunter as well, but he had to go to northern Wisconsin. What a nice tribute to your grandfather. ~smile~ Roseanne


  3. This block has always intimidated me, but I think I might be able to handle it by paper piecing. Thank you so much!


  4. This is a beautiful block ! I just finished downloading & copying it ! Hope to do it in next couple days ! Thank you so much for this free gift ! Love the 2 different colorways you show , They are beautiful !

    Liked by 1 person

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